Tuesday, May 27, 2014

A Whole Jumble of Feelings- Brought to you by Asthma.

So, here is the thing about being a person who is morbidly obese.  You get used to blaming everything that isn't right about your body on being morbidly obese.  Here are some examples:

My legs fall asleep if I am sitting in the wrong chair, or for too long on the toilet.  Short as I am, flying 'Spirit Airlines,' in a window seat does it to me too.  Must be 'cause I am fat.

My Neuropathy (numbness, in my thigh, caused by an impinged nerve) is sometimes insanely out of control.  Surely being thinner would help it never to happen at all. (Update 2018- after losing 65 pounds on a low carb diet, I STILL have an impinged nerve. It still bothers me.)

Sometimes, I  feel like there is a big fat guy, or an elephant sitting on my chest.  Must be 'cause I am too fat, or too out of shape or something.  Out of shape especially.  Never mind how much my fitness has improved in six months. Never mind two half marathons completed.  I am out of shape.  Even though I KNOW you can't go from  in good shape to completely out of shape in a month or less.

Best yet, when I went to a Doctor to talk about some symptoms I had after the Hamilton Half Marathon, he implied it was because I just wasn't fit enough. I sort of bought it, but realized that it had to be something else, after wearing a holter monitor and getting totally normal results (60 as a resting pulse.) 

When I walked in the Miami Marathon, I felt so ashamed that it took me almost six hours.  The whole time (in the insane heat and humidity) I felt like I had someone sitting on my chest, and to boot, my sciatica, in a PMS week, was horrendous.  Since I had  not trained intensely since our trip to Las Vegas a month before, I thought for sure it was because I wasn't good enough.  I was baffled though by how thoroughly my ass was kicked, because I had done the Hamilton Half a couple of months before and there is NO way one would lose that much ability just from undertraining.

Upon my return, I could feel the difference in the air as soon as the  plane took off but especially once outside in the -30C dry air of Buffalo.  While cold can be one of my triggers for asthma (I coughed for a week after the Hamilton HM-walked in 2 C weather).  My chest lightened and it suddenly struck me that perhaps I wasn't giving asthma enough weight as part of the 'Lesson's Learned' post race debrief.

So here is what I learned.  Lots of people's legs fall asleep.  Young people, Adults, seniors.  It has almost zero to do with weight.

My neuropathy was caused by a lifeguarding training accident when I was 16.  I was diving off a guard chair, my foot slipped and it caused an impinged nerve.  My back was first affected and it took six months before it stopped hurting constantly. For the longest time, I could not stand to wash my face- I would shower instead.  It came back to bite my back and thigh when I was pregnant the first time.  It flares up and down but I KNOW that my skinny as a stick friends also have the problem and some of them worse than me.  Not saying weight loss might not help but am saying its not because I am fat. All this confirmed by my Neurologist.

The problem of my heart pounding?  Not weight related.  Remotely.  It was a medicine I was taking.

Now, the guy sitting on my chest.  Well, that it seems is what asthma feels like.  I thought asthma was just wheezing.  Apparently it manifests itself in different ways. One way it manifests itself is by heaviness.  Another is breathlessness.  Poor oxygenation.  No, it isn't that I was too out of shape for Miami.  It isn't that I was too fat (not that I could not be in better shape, or thinner.)

Yesterday , I went for a Methaocoline Challenge.  I have known about my asthma for years, diagnosed as a child, then as a young adult and never had a methacoline challenge which is the official way to be diagnosed.  It was a sort of interesting process and ultimately, the confirmation of the diagnosis does not mean as much as what I learned while sitting there.

It turns out that asthma can manifest itself exactly as it did in Miami.  And sometimes when I run up the stairs or even just walk from the kitchen to the dining room.  It doesn't happen all the time because I am not having asthma attacks all the time.  It does happen when I am exercising.  THAT is what is happening all those times I am trying to walk 180 beats a minute which i should be able to do, but sometimes can't.  Its not that I am not fit enough when that happens, I am not oxygenating properly because my lungs are compromised.  Exercise is definitely a trigger so its something I need to get proactively preventing, which is why I started the process of figuring out what went wrong in Miami in the first place!

It is SUCH a relief to hear that these symptoms are a part of athsma!  As much as I tried not to let it affect my self esteem, I feel SO much better knowing this is not because I am some fraud who talks a good game but just isn't up to it.  And then I remember that the reason I wanted to find out about all of this is that I WANT to keep walking- Outside preferably!  And, that should have been enough not to make me question whether I was good enough, or a whiner.  Yes, I am morbidly obese, but if I had been thin, I would have been much more accepting that this was a medical matter rather than a medically related one.  I want to be fairer to myself in future.

The gift that was the methacoline challenge test is that I went from feeling embarrassed and ashamed at how badly I handled Miami, to pride that I actually finished DESPITE what I now know was my  body screaming at me that it just did not have enough oxygen to support the race I was doing.  No wonder I ended up in the medical tent thinking I was going to have a heart attack because I could not breathe.  Interesting that they missed it was asthma too....Yesterday, at 33% down, I felt way better than I did in that race. The knowledge that I DID finish even with diminished capacity and a longer finish time, is not embarrassing, is not just ok,  but in point of fact is stellar.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

It was a LONNG COOOLD Winter....

Today,  I walked up part of the Bruce radial trail and on the way down I did what I have been planning for a while. I 'shuffled' which is my massively overweight form of learning to run. I set a goal for myself to be able to 'run' a kilometre without stopping. I am using a short stride and minimal impact. I primarily want to do this because I never want to be so far behind a pace time that the race shuts down on me again. My sciatic nerve is really killing me and my asthma has actually become a problem since I started to exercise, so I am getting the medical help I need for them. I am hoping to walk or walk /run a minimum of 1/2 hour a day about 5 days a week punctuated by longer walks.
In other goals, owning Sassafras as a walk , and the radial trail at a walk. Going swimming tonight!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Food. How did I get here? The sum of the parts.

One day, a really long time ago, around the time I was in first grade, I, a totally normal sized kid, looked down at my leg on a school desk chair and saw what I now know is normal 'spread' of my thigh.  I raised and lowered my leg and saw that it was 'fat' when down and suddenly, something clicked in me.

From that point on, my eating started to get out of control.  Between the ages of 7 and 8,  I gained 20 pounds and the pediatrician blasted me at my well child appointment.  Or maybe he didn't and it just felt that way but I was so shameful.  And I had no idea what to do about it. I mean, stop eating, ok, but how?

In any case, the years have taken me through Optifast, through Weight Watchers, Diet Centre, Nutri something,  that one with the food packages (you should have seen the 'kosher' menu!) Overeaters Anonymous and every other diet imaginable.  I know a lot about nutrition.

If I was a drunk, I would be one of those bowery bum types.  A street drunk who has lost everything.  In OA, I was able to follow a food plan for a year and a half but my compulsion with food is so strong that I was using 20 hours a day to stay on plan and I sucked as a wife, mother and friend. I was absent in so many ways, that it was sort of disturbing.  Added to that, the sponsorship thing really, painfully failed me, and you have a colossal rebound which cost me a 90 pound weight gain.  It's true that I wasn't willing to do what I needed to do, but it's also true that being in OA burned me worse than anything else in my life every had.  I don't want to go into detail.  You can ask me privately if you want. I will say that the 12 steps themselves, in particular 1-10 are the best things I ever came across and they have improved my life in countless ways, even if I am actively in the programme.  All these years after my OA debacle, I still do a tenth step throughout my day if I need to.  it keeps me sane.

I saw nutritionists who never seemed to know anything about my addiction or wanted to teach me calorie counts and such but never seemed to understand that if I was going to follow a plan at all, well, I couldn't.  Doing something about my lack of control and food started to  trigger me into doing  worse than I was before, then ending in binge eating unless I could give up my whole life and focus only on staying on plan, which with small children and a husband was clearly untenable.  I'm not saying its like that for everyone, but it is for me.

For a number of years after OA, I went about my business and felt generally hopeless that I would ever be able to lose weight or enjoy a healthy relationship with food.  One day, about 4 years ago, I had a sleep study done and the doctor, who was a great guy, expressed his concern to me that I was morbidly obese, but still had plenty of energy and he was worried that I would cross the line to where the fat/muscle ratio would put me at a place where I was unable to move at all.

He referred me to a Doctor at an anxiety clinic.  At first I thought maybe that might be the accountability I was looking for but in fact, they started treating the parts of me that were chemically out of line.  I had done a lot of behaviour mod and here was the leftover part that mod could not get to.  It was then, that my weight stabilized for the first time in my life since I was 6.  For a number of years now, I have been re-wearing clothing year after year and have even known the joy of donating something when I am sick of it!  What a miracle! I am a compulsive overweigher as well, so my only real way of knowing my weight is by how clothing fits.

Last fall, I had a check up and blood tests. All my bloods were good except one that was slightly elevated- My triglycerides. I had been considering seeing if there was a way to improve my food intake for training so that I could improve my time and start eating to fuel myself instead of eating uselessly.  The doc won't treat with meds before attempting food changes, so I signed up for the practice's dietician.

God bless her, she listened.  She gave me some basic knowledge and sent me off with one instruction.  Try to avoid simple carbs (or at least combine them with higher fiber items if they had to be eaten) and to try and be mindful of what I was eating.  Nothing else.  Just a place to start.

Remarkably, I have been more mindful and that is not to say I have been perfect.  Remember, there is no perfect, because I just have to be mindful.  We met again and we were just touching base and getting to know each other but decided not to change anything pre race since it was best to not change things right before a race.

When I returned from Miami, we had another sit down.  This time, my take away was that I needed to eat breakfast within two hours of waking up and then eat every three to four hours after that for as long as I was awake.  No food plan, just lets see what works.  Write down my food, take notes, see if the mindfulness that I have is helpful in any way.  Look for insights into those brutal feelings that I did something wrong and figure out why it was wrong even if it wasn't another time.  It's been two days and I have been keeping records and sending them to her.  Its all about experimenting to see what I really need to eat to be fueled well and also not contributing to my trigyceride issue.  I can't believe it but I feel hopeful again!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

ARE YOU READY? We are going to start recruiting for TEAM CANADA on TEAM YACHAD next year!!!

Marc and I were talking about what an amazing experience this was, and we think everyone should have this amazing thing happen to them!

My signing up for Team Yachad was a truly life changing event.  If you 'know' me, you know why, and I will just add that to further exemplify this change, I have a pair of snowshoes ready to go for some outdoor activity tomorrow now that I have had a week to recover from the Marathon!

Being in Miami with so many different people, learning so much about what Yachad is about and its services, was incredible for me.  I feel passionately about getting the word out and I plan on making my goal this year to increase the size of Team Yachad via increasing the number of runners from Canada!

Sarah K, Marc and I are all in agreement that we need to spread the word and make sure that we shout it from the rooftops.  We hope to include people from our home town, Hamilton and also Toronto, which is nearby.  If we get lucky and can go beyond that, great too!

And I will tell you what... if you don't want to do it because you are afraid you can't, well, I think I am going to walk with you next year.  So let me know.  Because if I can do it, YOU can do it!

Monday, February 3, 2014

Insane turned out to be pretty true after all. Debrief of the Miami Marathon. A difficult race for me, but you bet I am glad I tried it.

So, I always kind of assumed that this race would go well and that this blog post would be one big sunshiny one.  Except man plans and God laughs. Nothing like a little asthma and  a whole lot of humidity and neuropathy to throw a monkey wrench into your plan to be queen of the Miami Marathon!

I realized as soon as we got off the plane last Wednesday morning that the humidity is one of the things I completely never anticipated.  And although there was pouring rain that day, heat and humidity are killers for me.  I LOVE the desert.  Give me Eilat or Las Vegas where it can be 115F and I never feel wet or sloggy.  Miami this week is hugely sloggy.

From the beginning, our coaches, Jaz, Cara, Yoav and James, all made serious suggestions about how to best prepare for a marathon in heat like this.  They suggested ingesting salt packs (for those of us who don't 'do' gatorade and of course drinking lots of fluids as well as ingesting extra calories and carbs (carbs, I knew about but calories specifically, I had no idea- because our bodies burn more calories trying to stay cool we need to provide more- even those who , like me have plenty to spare in fat stores.)

So the good news is that I was well hydrated, carb loaded and ate a good, solid breakfast this time.  We got on the bus to the start line and had another team pic and then off to the corrals, where they put you according to the time they expect you to complete the race.

Our group did not get started until about 45 minutes after the starting gun.  For some reason this did not occur to me as a possibility so i was essentially blind with regard to knowing how long I had been walking or how far. I love my runkeeper but it does not work without GPS and we don't have data down here.

In any case, I had a terrible time breathing from the start.  I was really trying to walk 'slowly' but felt like I was running a marathon, so to speak. And the whole race continued like that.  Worse, in the time between the starting gun and the time corral "I" left, the sun had come up and it was instant hot and humid on the course.

By mile 4, I was DYING. My breathing was totally out of control and trying to control it meant making me dizzy... I was so far behind and really getting very dejected. They were shutting down the course ahead of me as I  walked and at some point the pick up bus at the back of the line told me that I was two miles behind pace and they were going ahead so please walk on the sidewalk because the race course was shutting down!  

An incredible lady who was a spectator cheering us on saw how upset I was and decided to join me for a walk.  Carol is a most gracious lady and insisted that "I" was doing her a favour  because she wanted to go for a nice long walk but was not motivated to until I showed up!  She walked 5 miles with me!  What a lovely and accomplished woman!  Together we endured the shutting down of the race course (yes, I was going that slowly) and a wicked storm that blew up around mile six and lasted till about mile nine.  Mind you getting totaly soaked like that was very cooling but it also made for quite heavy clothing and a wet iphone.

I walked /stopped often - my neuropathy flared up and I was still having breathing trouble.  Thankfully Coach Yoav showed up somewhere around mile ten (the course was completely taken down by then) and joined me.  It was hot and sunny and still humid again and the whole thing was becoming just unbearable.  I have to tell you that if he had not shown up, I absolutely would not have finished.  As it was we walked together and I dealt with my breathlessness/back issues and we lost the trail at some point but somehow made it back to the finish line although we hit it at a pedestrian point and had to show the police officer my bib to even get him to let us in (since it was a crossing for pedestrians.)

Still, after it all, I did finish.  I finished and while I actually think that the right thing to do would have been to quit. As soon as I finished, I grabbed some water bottles and headed for the medical tent because honestly, after how badly the race went and the inability for me to catch my breath, I was kind of worried I would drop dead or something.  It turned out that the blood pressure and breathing were back to normal quickly but I was tachycardic, which means my heart was racing, even ten minutes after sitting in the tent.  I don't know why, and today, I seem fine but that must have been going on all afternoon.  So insanely, I did finish.

Weirdly it does not particularly feel like much of an accomplishment.  It took me an hour and 45 minutes longer than the Road to Hope and I hated almost all of it. (after further consideration, I actually consider it miraculous that I finished at all and that it was a MAJOR accomplishment in so many adverse conditions!  My husband finished in exactly the same time he finished the Road to Hope half, so it really was me and my reaction to the heat, neuropathy and asthma!

The accomplished feeling TOTALLY comes from having done this marathon with TEAM YACHAD! (and honestly, whether I finished or not, I still did that!)  And the great thing is that even though I am pretty sure I would not want to do this particular marathon again (due to the asthma and likely weather conditions), I am THRILLED that I want to keep doing timed races of all descriptions!

This whole thing has been such a learning experience for me and the discoveries I have made about myself are endless!  I even love the debrief process about races.  I know it might sort of sound like complaining but actually, its really just a process of learning and analyzing.

Also, a cool new thing is that you can support Team Yachad in any Marathon you run in!  I believe that I will dedicate my 2015 Road to Hope Marathon to fundraising for Team Yachad!

I also just want to add that BOTH of my children were inspired by the weekend to run it next year and that my husband will happily complete it again!  So, net gain +2!  Running room lessons, here we come!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

I can't believe it's over....Post Team Yachad debrief

Friday, we checked into the hotel where Team Yachad was staying.  Team Yachad staff had put together our race kits in nice backpacks and provided us with our shirts to wear at the race, a headband and either a hair clip or a kipah.  There were also bags from junees.com filled with water, food and treats.  Junees is a huge sponsor of Team Yachad and they have been for years.  They deserve huge props.

We settled into our room and went for a swim. We then  went back to get ready for Shabbat.  Services were very nice with Sam leading -He had amazing sincerity (kavana) and a beautiful voice.  After  services we had a lovely dinner.  We sat with the coaches, as well as Susie and Shabsa, a couple from Chicago.  It was a super table and we actually repeated it at every meal!

Yachad has serious spirit! (ruach) and it was not lost on me that the ruckus kicked up by so many high school students standing in their chairs and singing added so much to my shabbat experience!

Shabbat morning we slept in, but lunch was again lovely and that amazing ruach(spirit) was still there.  At all the meals, there were speakers (including yours truly) and they were incredibly inspiring!

After a beautiful end to shabbat that reminded me a lot of our shul at home, we all went to get into our team colours for photos and the carb loading meal.  I don't know about you but I can't imagine herding so many people (over 200!) into a group pic!

This morning we woke up at 3 am, had breakfast and went off to the race, which I am going to address in my next blog post!  Upon our return there was a victory lunch and thank you speeches as well as presentation of certificates and then most of us retired to the pool and ocean to cool our hot muscles and try to recover!  Tonight a super bowl party (although sort of sad because we had already lost some of our crew to their flights home!)

I have never felt so appreciated and warmly welcomed.  Yachad KNOWS how important each runner and each supporter is and we were truly treated as such!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Me.. on the RADIO! With Eli Hagler.


January 28, 2014

Finally Ready to talk about ....FOOD!

I have to admit that I have been procrastinating about writing this post.  Its no secret that I am morbidly obese, and it really is more the miracle that I am sitting here at 1:30 am waiting to catch a flight to Miami where I am excitedly going to participate in the Miami Marathon!  But that only gets me so far.

I have had a long and difficult relationship with food for almost my whole life.  I don't really remember a time where I was not overweight.  I sort of recall a moment in the first grade where I felt like something broke in me and it was after that that I started to gain weight and set myself on a path to food addiction and compulsive overeating.

I have done it all.  All the diet programmes and Overeater's anonymous.  I am not going to comment on any of these things specifically- except to say that I think 12 step programmes are amazing- even if you don't figure out how to work it completely, or ever find the willingness, there are key things that one can take away.

This entry is not about why these things have not been lasting successes for me.  And I don't really want to hear about it either, if you have an opinion about why it did not work for me.  I have my professional people I deal with and feel like its a miracle that I have been maintaining my weight, even though it is very high for long enough that I am getting sick of my clothing instead of out growing it.  For the first time in my life.

At my checkup this past fall, all my bloods were good except my triglycerides.  I made arrangements with a dietician and she and I are working on how to change my food plan so that it addresses the triglyceride issue as well as my ongoing training.

Since meeting with her, I have been more mindful in general.  I don't know if I have lost weight and honestly, I don't care.  I really just want to be able to live with my food plan and solve the triglyceride issue and not boomerang into gaining a hundred pounds, which tends to be how these things have worked for me over the years.  Following a food plan tends to get me triggered like crazy.

Anyways, I am working on it.  Eating  not very much sugar (it was never my biggest issue) and trying really hard to increase my fruit and vegetable intake as well as my complex carbs.  So far, me and my dietician are pretty happy with my mindfulness and I am finding that it is easier to accommodate the more I think of it.

I suppose you are going to hear a lot from me in the next few days!  After all, we are sitting here, waiting for the plane that is taking us to the marathon!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

How Bout that Weather?

Windchill warning.  -40C. While its over for now, sidewalks are a complete mess, and the temperature is still well under zero C.  After the incredibly warm and dry winters we have had in the past decade, (so many Februaries with no snow) it never really occurred to me that we might have a hard time training for a half marathon in February.

So, I researched it and one thing every one agrees with is that those with asthma suffer much worse with the cold and that the week of coughing I had after the Road to Hope when I walked for 4.5 hours at race pace in 2 C weather was normal for asthmatics.  Suggestion:  don't train in the cold.  Then there was the 27hour bout of sneezing when I breathed through my nose instead of my mouth at the Santa Shuffle in -5C weather.  Ow.  Lessons Learned- Do not enter any timed races in the winter.  Volunteer at the 'Around the Bay Race' or at least don't do the 30K as was possibly planned.

I am really not nuts about using a treadmill but ultimately really need to do some crosstraining in the next few weeks, because missing a couple of weeks doesn't matter but missing a few months, will.  Still, I really don't want to do the whole gym membership thing since I doubt once the weather improves, I will use it much.  Who knows?  Maybe January will be awesome from here on out?  I remember going to the gym in shorts in various Januaries.

I do have a swimming membership at Dalewood and I suppose I could do that.
I could find an interval training video.
I can walk when the weather is nice but right now the sidewalks are insanely slippy.  All the training in bad weather advice tells you NOT to get injured! Apparently we should be going up to 6 C on Sunday, so that is good.

I need to keep remembering that the hard part is getting out the door.  Really, really.  because this is a massive challenge for me.  I am not motivated to do anything but walk.  Positive attitude is not helping.  I think maybe just doing it will.  Laps at Dalewood make sense really and there is adult swim almost every day.

Now you get to see how I handle stuff when I don't have a positive attitude. Thunk.